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Maison Suay

Maison Suay is a stunning rustic farmhouse nestled in the Tarn region of Southern France. It provides guests with a charming home away from home that is both comfortable and stylish, allowing guests to unwind and experience a truly unforgettable getaway.


Maison Suay

The Maison is set in the picturesque pastoral countryside of Cestayrols, among rolling hills layered with vines and cypress trees. This beautifully rustic farmhouse sleeps comfortably up to 13 people, boasting 6 bedrooms all decorated with stunning french antiques and paintings adorning the walls. The house is fully equipped with all the modern facilities that you will need, with both an indoor and outdoor kitchen, as well as ample dining areas and plenty of places to sit and relax.

Maison Suay (formally known as Maison Marmalade) enables guests to escape and unwind, creating the quintessential environment to really experience French life at its best. Whether it’s gathering around a table to enjoy local food and French wine, or perhaps hopping in the car to discover what the breathtaking region has to offer, it is without a doubt the place to create those everlasting memories.

The house invites you to slow down; take a refreshing early morning dip in the pool, get carried away in a good book whilst lying in a hammock, and drink a glass of crisp white wine on the terrace. Whatever it is, take a step back and recharge the batteries.


The pool

What holiday is complete without a dip in the pool? It’s the perfect size for an energetic swim and children to play.

There’s really nothing better than taking a refreshing swim in a salt water pool to cool off from the glorious heat.


Embrace the simple life

Be sure to make use of the organic vegetable garden. The produce is fully abundant in the summer months with tomatoes, beans, courgettes, strawberries and much more.

For those who love to cook, head to one of the local French village markets to pick up additional delicious ingredients. Everyone will surely be grateful to tuck into a lovely homegrown meal.


The Kitchen & Dining Room

The kitchen is undoubtedly the real heart and soul of the house. With true passion for food shining through, we encourage our guests to come together for a simple meal, gather around a large table, tuck in and let the wine flow. The kitchen is here to be enjoyed by everyone; it’s a place to be with family and friends when someone’s cooking up a storm.

We have everything you need to whip up hearty breakfasts, nourishing lunches and evening meals, with plenty of room for snacks and provisions.

In the winter months, there is a wood burner in the adjoining dining room to keep yourselves toasty, as well ample seating and storage.


The Living Rooms

The house boasts two large living spaces, both decorated beautifully with French antique furniture. The main traditional living room features two very comfortable sofas and a fireplace perfect for any cooler evenings.

The second living space is situated in the old barn where wine was once pressed. This room features a TV, ideal for popping on a film to keep the children entertained for a couple of hours.


Reception Rooms

As you can tell by now, gatherings around large vintage tables is something we thoroughly encourage. Our two reception rooms are perfect for socialising over long lunches or extravagant evening meals with plenty of bread, cheese, flowing wine and long conversations late into the night.


Bedrooms & Bathrooms

Maison Suay truly understands the importance a great night’s sleep, with each of our six bedrooms all fully equipped with everything you need. Our master bedroom features a large sumptuous bed from an antique store in Paris and a stunning free-standing bath tub in the en-suite.

With enough space to sleep comfortably up to 13 people, the house is the ideal place to play host to a large group of guests.